About Us

FINAL REPOSE is built to help people stay updated and informed about the deaths, obituaries and religious ceremonies of near and dear ones.

We are a technology company with the aim to solve everyday problems that effect everyone on a fundamental level.
We saw a big problem with regards to Obituaries and keeping family friends and other relations informed with respect to the loss of a loved one. 

We are trying to alleviate a small part of the stress and confusion, by giving everyone a central platform and community to share information, as well as get help and resources needed to get people though this hard time in their lives.
We will continue to add features to make this easier and user friendly.

We would like Final Repose to be a digital memorial space where all loved ones are remembered forever.
We kindly request everyone to be respectful of the content uploaded here.


Suggestions and feedback to help better the platform is always welcome.

Please write to admin@finalrepose.com