FINAL REPOSE is a Free Obituary and Memorial website for your loved ones. It is a platform to help families through this hard time We help keep friends and families informed and updated about a Sad Demise, Remembrance, Prayer Service, Death Anniversary etc. Share, Create and Edit an Obituary/Ceremony at anytime, 24/7, as well as get helpful information and resources.
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Create a CEREMONY- (Sad Demise, Remembrance, Death anniversary, Prayer service, Wake, Month's Mind etc) Within the Ceremony post you can add a Ceremony EVENT( Funeral service, Mass , burial , wake etc.) wrt to the post and add important details to keep everyone informed in real time.
Yes , Simply click "Add Ceremony +"" via the My Posts button in the menu.
The added ceremony is treated as a new post while still being connected to the original one for reference and chronology.
The newly added ceremony post will show on the choosen ""Date of Ceremony"" in the final repose home-screen timeline."
Every Post has a Proof of death document attached by its creator.
Please use this to authenticate the post for yourself. Final Repose does not verify data uploaded and is not responsible for post authenticity.
Yes. Any post can be created by one person and transferred to preferably a family or close relation to maintain and control the content ( reply to comments, add other ceremonies, etc.) In My Ceremonies tab - Click on "Transfer post"" button in the top bar, fill details of the family or friend. Click transfer."
Use the Share button to share the live URL/Link via whatspp, sms , email ,social media etc
Click on the Comments button/icon to send condolences or other related messages.
We require all users who would like to comment or connect with the families to sign up in order to avoid misuse of the platform.
Yes, Click the Get Updates button and updates to the post will be shown when you click the notification icon. We are in the process of sending automated update emails as well.
E-mail and Mobile number WILL NOT BE used for any purpose other than information wrt to the post.
Use the Report button at the bottom of the post and choose the appropriate option.
To help speed up authentication on the platform and reduce fake and troll posts.
Yes, contact us via Email- Or in report at the bottom of the post choose the appropriate option.